Shareholder Advisory Committee

The Shareholder Advisory Committee is a non-binding advisory body formed by CaixaBank's shareholders that wants to contribute to the continuing improvement of the relationship between the company and its shareholders. It is a pioneering initiative in the IBEX 35 that is designed to ensure maximum transparency.

Rules of Procedure of the Advisory Committee


The Advisory Committee's mission is to propose, encourage and value actions and communication channels between CaixaBank and its shareholders as well as the content and quality of these communications, in order to improve the dialogue between the company and its shareholders.


  • Holding a minimum of 3 meetings a year
  • Maximum permanence of 3 years
  • Shareholders must own at least 1,000 shares, and must undertake to retain such shares for the duration of their membership

See Advisory Committee Regulations 

How to join

To apply to join the Advisory Committee, you must go to the online form; fill in the indicated fields and upload the file with your CV.

Go to the form

The deadline for applications for the annual renewal ends every 30 June. Starting from that date any applications received enter to be part of the following year's renewal process.


The Advisory Committee is formed by shareholders with a minimum of 1,000 CaixaBank shares, which must be held during all their mandate. 

If you would like to make your suggestions known to the Committee, you can send them via the following form, indicating “Advisory Committee” as the topic.

Send suggestions

Members of the Advisory Committee

Name and Surname Post / Region
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri Chairman (non-member)
María José Ballarín Navarra
Dhiraj Chhabria Canary Island
Luis Collado Madrid
Juan Dionisio González Andalucía
Blanca Guinea Catalonia
Juan Ignacio Lema Madrid
Fernando María Sainz de la Maza Catalonia
Núria Torras  Catalonia
Meritxell Soler Secretary (non-member)

Last updated: July 2024

The members of the CaixaBank Shareholder Advisory Committee in the last meeting held on 20 February 2024.

Meeting Minutes

Date Document

Meeting Minutes  

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Meeting Minutes 

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Meeting Minutes 

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Meeting Minutes 

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Meeting Minutes 

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Meeting Minutes 

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