
To the best of our knowledge, the following brokerage houses provide equity coverage on CaixaBank on a regular basis.

Institution Analyst
Alantra Francisco Riquel
AlphaValue David Grinsztajn
Autonomous Britta Schmidt
Banco Sabadell María Paz Ojeda
Bankinter Rafael Alonso
Barclays Cecilia Romero
Berenberg Michael Christodoulou
Bestinver Fernando Gil de Santivañes
Bloomberg Lento Tang
BofA Antonio Reale
Carraighill Seamus Murphy
Citigroup Marta Sánchez Romero
Deutsche Bank Alfredo Alonso
Exane BNP Ignacio Ulargui
GVC Gaesco Beka Marisa Mazo
Goldman Sachs Chris Hallam
HSBC Domenico Santoro
JB Capital Markets Maksym Mishyn
Jefferies Iñigo Vera / Miruna Chirea
JP Morgan Sofie Peterzens
KBW Hugo Cruz
Kepler Maria Antonia Casado
Mediobanca Andrea Filtri
Morgan Stanley Álvaro Serrano
Norbolsa Ane Roa
Oddo BHF Steven Gould
Redburn Gonzalo López
Renta 4 Nuria Álvarez
Santander Ignacio Méndez / Juan Pablo López
UBS Ignacio Cerezo

The information below details the institutions that have published a report with a target price and recommendation for CaixaBank in the last 6 months.

Institution Date Recommendation  Target price
Norbolsa 17/07/2024 Buy € 6.50
Bestinver Securities 17/07/2024 Buy € 5.50
Jefferies 17/07/2024 Buy € 6.00
BNP Paribas 16/07/2024 Buy € 6.70
Autonomous 15/07/2024 Neutral € 5.35
Berenberg 15/07/2024 Buy € 6.20
Renta 4 12/07/2024 Sobreponderar € 6.32
Deutsche Bank 11/07/2024 Hold € 5.10
Barclays 10/07/2024 Overweight € 6.00
Goldman Sachs 09/07/2024 Neutral € 5.30
UBS 08/07/2024 Buy € 6.85
BofA 08/07/2024 Buy € 6.30
Citigroup 08/07/2024 Buy € 6.75
Alantra 08/07/2024 Buy € 6.50
KBW 04/07/2024 Outperform € 6.10
JB Capital Markets 04/07/2024 Buy € 7.20
Kepler Cheuvreux 04/07/2024 Hold € 5.50
Morgan Stanley 02/07/2024 Overweight € 6.00
Santander 14/06/2024 Outperform € 6.80
Banco Sabadell 12/06/2024 Sobreponderar € 5.88
JP Morgan 03/05/2024 Neutral € 5.55
Oddo BHF 02/05/2024 Outperform € 6.40
HSBC 01/05/2024 Hold € 5.10
Mediobanca 01/05/2024 Underperform € 4.50
Redburn 30/04/2024 Buy € 5.90
AlphaValue 30/04/2024 Add € 5.84
GVC Gaesco Beka 24/04/2024 Buy € 6.03
Bankinter 20/02/2024 Comprar € 5.50

Average target price (A.T.P.) and percentage of recommendation (buy, sell or hold) considering reports published within the last 3 months / 6 months.

A.T.P. % Buy % Neutral % Sell
3 months € 6.01 74% 22% 4%
6 months € 5.98 76% 21% 3%

Figures as of  23th July 2024

Disclaimer: All opinions, estimates, forecasts, data, and recommendations regarding the performance of CaixaBank made by analysts in the reports listed herein are theirs alone. Neither CaixaBank nor its managers have verified or tested the content of these reports.

The inclusion of these reports on CaixaBank corporate website does not imply the endorsement by the company or its constituent administrators of the content, conclusions or recommendations contained therein. The list of research reports included in this section no way represents a complete or updated collection and its publication and should not be interpreted as a request or recommendation to buy, sell or hold CaixaBank securities.

CaixaBank Group consensus estimates for 2Q24e


In €M 2Q24e
Net interest income 2,758
Wealth rev. + Protection rev. + Banking fees (1)(2) 1,207
Gross income 4,084
Recurring operating expenses -1,524
Pre-impairment income 2,560
Loan loss Provisions -271
Net profit attributable to the Group 1,573

Net fees and commissions 913
Insurance Service Result 294

(1) The sum of Wealth, Protection and Banking fee revenues in the new revenue presentation is equivalent to the sum of "Net fees and commissions" and "Insurance service result" in the previous revenue presentation.

(2) Breakdown between Wealth, Protection and Banking fee revenues not available as the minimum required contributions was not reached.

Figures as of 15 July 2024 with previews estimated by analysts.
Averages based on a minimum of 18 analysts' estimates.

CaixaBank Group consensus estimates for 2024-26e


In €M 2024e 2025e 2026e
Net interest income


10,231 10,035
Wealth rev. + Protection rev. + Banking fees (1)(2) 4,911 5,104 5,286
Gross income 15,391 15,040 15,068
Recurring operating expenses -6,094 -6,304 -6,503
Pre-impairment income 9,296 8,735 8,564
Loan loss Provisions -1,144 -1,253 -1,342
Net profit attributable to the Group 5,409 4,986 4,810

Net fees and commissions 3,680 3,799 3,909
Insurance Service Result 1,231 1,305 1,377

(1) The sum of Wealth, Protection and Banking fee revenues in the new revenue presentation is equivalent to the sum of "Net fees and commissions" and "Insurance service result" in the previous revenue presentation.

(2) Breakdown between Wealth, Protection and Banking fee revenues not available as the minimum required contributions was not reached.

Figures as of 15 July 2024 with previews estimated by analysts.
Averages based on a minimum of 16 analysts' estimates.

1. Consensus based on the compilation of estimates provided by analysts covering CaixaBank’s shares. Contributions from different sets of analysts may lead to estimates that differ from consensus figures published by other financial information providers.

2. Consensus estimates will be published provided the number of analysts contributing to its calculation is higher than 50% of the total number of analysts covering CaixaBank’s shares.

3. CaixaBank makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the referred information. The achievement of these estimates is in no way warranted by CaixaBank.

4. These estimates, which are not subject to the obligation to disclose information required by the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV), are provided as a courtesy and for possible convenience and informational purposes only. They are not intended to imply any endorsement or provide any investment advice.

5. CaixaBank shall have no liability whatsoever (in negligence or otherwise) for any damage or loss howsoever arising from any use of this information.

6. Please note that all estimates correspond to CaixaBank Group.