We promote an ethical and transparent culture among all our professionals.
The integrity of our professionals and actions based on the highest ethics and transparency standards with our shareholders, customers, investors and society as a whole, govern the way we relate to each other and to the environment in which we operate.
Respect for Human Rights, which is an integral part of the Group's corporate values, underlines our way of acting. We also have our own Code of Conduct to regulate our behavioural model in all our activities and operations.
Principles of conduct
Compliance with laws and regulations
Excellence and professionalism
Social responsibility
The Code of Conduct is the highest-level standard, providing meaning to all other rules and guiding the behaviour of the people who make up CaixaBank: employees, executives and members of Governing Bodies.
This Code influences the internal relationships in the company and the external ones with customers, suppliers and society in general. Through it, we conform to the highest national and international standards and wholly reject any kind of practice that is contrary to ethics and to the general working principles contained in the Code.
Values and ethical principles that inspire our activities. |
Based on the principles and values in this Code, CaixaBank has developed a series of Standards of Conduct that apply to all the companies that comprise the CaixaBank Group. These include:
Commitment of the entire CaixaBank Group to consolidating an efficient, sustainable and responsible model of action characterised by a strong social calling. |
Principles of Human Rights at CaixaBank This establishes our commitment with the highest standards in terms of human rights. Summary of the Due Diligence process and Human Rights assessment, 2023 Previous documents: |
General Principles of Corporate Anti-Corruption Policy We undertake to work against corruption in all its forms. |
Operating principles of the Corporate Policy for managing sustainability/ESG risks Operating principles that establish the governance and management of sustainability risks, regulating the relationship with companies and financing of operations, especially in the most exposed sectors, such as energy, mining, infrastructures, agriculture and defense. |
Engagement Policy as regards Discretionary Portfolio Management It includes the general principles, criteria and procedures for participation in the decisions of the companies and issuers in which we invest, taking into account ESG criteria applicable to the discretionary mandates entrusted by our clients. Corporate framework for the integration of ESG risks in investment and asset management services It guides the Group's actions in terms of integrating ESG risks in the decision making of investment and in the advisory service. |
Tax Risk Control and Management Policy This policy establishes our commitment to all tax responsibility principles. |
Occupational Health and Safety policy We are committed to developing initiatives and actions that favor adequate safe and healthy working conditions. |
It establishes our commitment to promote health, healthy habits and lifestyles that improve the quality of life of our staff and their family environment, our customers, shareholders, investors, suppliers, the local community and society in general. |
Principles of action of the Corporate Information Security Policy Corporate principles on which our action as a Group is based in the field of information security. |
General Principles of our Corporate Privacy and Data Protection Policy At CaixaBank, we are guided by a total respect for the fundamental right to personal data protection, keeping the information provided to us confidential. |
Framework of collaboration with our providers, which seeks to form stable commercial ties in coherence with our values. This contains the fundamental values and principles that CaixaBank suppliers must respect. |
Corporate policy on the internal reporting system Basic document that makes up the regulatory, operational and management framework of CaixaBank Group's internal reporting system. This system is mainly used through the Whistleblowing Channel. Information management procedure Establish the necessary provisions so that the internal information system and the existing internal information channels comply with the requirements established in Law 2/2023. |
Both the Code Ethics and the Policies are subject to review once every two years, with the possibility of updating at any time if the need is identified and it is duly motivated.
As a result of the commitment to promote a responsible culture, at CaixaBank we have the following certifications:
UNE-ISO 37301:2021: Certification of Compliance Management Systems.
UNE 19601:2017: Certification of Criminal Management Systems.
ISO 37001:2016: Certification of Anti-bribery Management Systems.
For more information on other policies and documents, see the following sections: