Our model

At CaixaBank we take on the responsibility of driving a positive economy aimed at the well-being of people.

We understand the banking system as a catalyst for the flow of money in society (savings, financing, investment, and so on), and we are aware of the fact that it has an effect on a territory's economic and social development. However, we want to go beyond that function and, as the leading bank on the Spanish market, we take on the responsibility of driving a positive economy aimed at the well-being of people.

With this aim in mind, we have designed a new Sustainable Banking Plan with a 3-year time horizon that includes our proposal for solving challenges, such as inequality, climate change and boosting the real economy. All this while putting at the service of people what we know how to do: banking.

To that end, we are going to allocate more than €64 billion to financing mainly energy transition initiatives and providing microloans to students, self-employed workers, microenterprises, families and new companies that create employment. Via these sustainable financing mechanisms and other programmes and partnerships -social rent, financial culture, volunteer work...-, we want to generate a positive impact on society.

We are committed to demonstrating, through actions, the social value of banking and becoming the benchmark bank in sustainability. 

Learn about our model by accessing the presentation "CaixaBank, Sustainable Banking ".

2022-2024 Sustainable Banking Plan

To fulfil CaixaBank’s commitment to society, our plan is based on three ambitions:

  • To promote the sustainable transition of companies and society

  • To lead positive social impacts and promote financial inclusion

  • To foster a responsible culture as a benchmark in governance

Through active listening and dialogue, a rigorous methodology for measurement and data management, and an ESG communication strategy for raising external and internal awareness, we pursue our sustainability goals through eleven strategic lines:

Culture focusing on people

Integrating ESG in the bank

Transparency and accountability

Benchmark in regulatory standards


of companies of individuals


Integrating ESG risks

Social leadership and alliances to multiply people's opportunities

Leadership in microfinance

Promoting employment and entrepreneurship

Our targets

With the Sustainable Banking Plan as a guide, we intend to achieve the following targets over the next three years:

64,000 million euros made available in sustainable finance1

Until December 2023:

€50,813 million mobilised since January 2022

79 % commitment achieved

Maintain category "A" in the synthetic sustainability indicator2

Calculated from results obtained in S&P Global-DJSI, Sustainalytics, MSCI and ISS ESG



Make progress in decarbonisation to reach net zero emissions by 2050
  • Reduce the emissions financed by 2030:

    • Electric: - 30 % (1363 kgCO2e/MWh in 2020)

    • Oil and gas: - 23 % (9.14 MtCO2e in 2020)

    • Automotive: - 33 % (1545 gCO2/vkm in 2022)

    • Iron and Steel: - [10-20] % (1,230 kgCO2e/t steel in 2022)

    • Thermal coal: - 100 % (€2,8456 Mn in 2022)

    • Commercial Real Estate: - 41 % (20.57 kgCO₂e/m² en 2022)

    • Residential Real Estate: - 19 % (23.577 kgCO₂e/m² en 2022)

    • Shipping: - 11.9 % (11.98 % Alignment Delta en 2022)

    • Aviation: - 30 % (1029 gCO₂e/RPK en 2022)

    • Agriculture: qualitative objective10

No decarbonisation targets have been established for the aluminum and cement sectors because they are not considered materials in the bank’s financing portfolio.

413,300 beneficiaries of MicroBank, the CaixaBank Group's social bank11

Until December 2023:

252,149 MicroBank beneficiaries since January 2022

61% commitment achieved

Good governance:
43% of women in managerial positions12

Women in managerial positions in 2023


(1) With regards to the sustainable finance mobilization target:

  • It includes sustainable financing and sustainable intermediation, so the 64,000 million euros is divided in 53,300 million euros in sustainable financing and 10,700 million euros in sustainable intermediation.
  • Sustainable financing includes:
    • Retail sustainable financing, as the sum of the granted amounts for green mortgages (with energy performance certificate “A” or “B”), financing for home refurbishment, financing for hybrid/electric vehicles and microloans granted by MicroBank.
    • Businesses sustainable financing, as the sum of the granted amounts for the sustainable financing to customers belonging to the Business Banking segment, the Real Estate developers segment and the CIB (Corporate & Investment Banking) segment.

Detail of the mobilization of sustainable financing 2023 

  • Sustainable intermediation includes:
    • Amount of CaixaBank's share in the issuance and placement of sustainable bonds (green, social or mixed) by CaixaBank customers.
    • Net increase of assets under management (AuM) in CaixaBank Asset Management, in products classified under Article 8 and Article 9 of SFDR. The change includes the market effect.
    • Gross increase of assets under management (AuM) in VidaCaixa, in products classified under Article 8 and Article 9 of SFDR. The calculation includes gross contributions to Pension Funds, Voluntary Social Security Entities and Unit Linked products. The years 2023 and 2024 will include also contributions from dependency insurance.>/li>
  • In setting the target, investment volumes considered in the Spanish National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030 were observed, together with CaixaBank`s market shares in the different businesses and historical information with regards to CaixaBank’s sustainable finance activity.

Guide for Identifying Sustainable Financing 

(2) Synthetic ESG index created by CaixaBank based on methodology developed by KPMG that provides aggregate information from the main ESG analysis institutions. The indicator objectively weights the results obtained by the company in the scores awarded by the main international ESG analysts (S & P Global, Sustainalytics, MSCI and ISS ESG).

(3) Value considering scope 1 emissions from customers and parts of the value chain within the target setting perimeter.

(4) Value considering scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions from customers and parts of the value chain within the target setting perimeter.

(5) Scope 3 emissions, category 11 are covered: tank-to-wheel.

(6) €213 Mn considering mitigating factors. Mitigating factors are considered to be phase-out commitments <= 2030 or renewable financing only.

More information in the Environmental and climate strategy.

(7) Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor  

(8) Scenario of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), in accordance with the Poseidon Principles . Alignment Delta in accordance with the Poseidon Principles, excluding passengers.

(9) Mission Possible Partnership “Prudent” Scenario, according to the Pegasus Guides .

(10) Science Based Targets: Forest, Land and Agriculture

(11) Number of holders and co-holders of microloans granted by MicroBank in the 2022-2024 period.

Examples of products and services related to financial inclusion 

(12) % of women in managerial positions from large branch deputy management upward (A and B branches). In 2023, the target initially set for 2024 has been updated from 42% to 43% with the update oth the Equality Plan.

The Sustainable Banking Plan includes the Environmental Management Plan to reduce the direct impact of our activity, which also has specific objectives.

Through our activities and strategic alliances, we contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Priority SDGs

Learn about the SDGs to which CaixaBank contributes in the publication on Sustainability and Socio-Economic Impact .