12 June 2023   |   min read

imagin launches a limited series of the ‘MyCard imagin’ card, made with plastic collected from the sea

#Cards   |   #imagin   |   #Sustainability   |   #CaixaBank Payments & Consumer
Limited series of the ‘My Card imagin’ card.

Limited series of the ‘My Card imagin’ card.

Limited series of the ‘My Card imagin’ card.

Limited series of the ‘My Card imagin’ card.

  • This series of 20,000 units is available for imagin customers who wish to apply for them while supplies last.
  • This product is another of the various initiatives that imagin, through imaginPlanet, is developing within the scope of sustainability in order to generate a positive impact on the planet and society as a whole.


imagin, CaixaBank's digital services and lifestyle platform, presents a limited series of the ‘MyCard imagin’ card, made with plastic collected from the coasts and oceans. It is a special edition of the card with an exclusive series of 20,000 units, available while supplies last, and falls within the framework of its commitment to sustainability and caring for the marine environment

Despite all newly issued ‘MyCard imagin’ cards already being made with 100% sustainable materials, the origin of the components of this series of ‘MyCard imagin’ cards is 60% plastic collected from the sea by environmental organisations specialising in this cause and 40% recycled plastic.

‘MyCard imagin’ is an initiative developed jointly between imagin and the CaixaBank Group's subsidiary specialising in consumer financing and payment methods: CaixaBank Payments & Consumer.

Protecting the sea via imaginPlanet

The creation of this limited number of ‘MyCard imagin’ cards is linked to one of the environmental challenges in which imagin focuses its efforts: the preservation of seas and oceans. The new card, made with recycled plastic from waste thrown into the sea, is another of the various projects launched by imagin  to contribute to cleaner seas, such as the installation of a network of floating sea containers throughout various ports in Spain, called ‘imagin Seabins’, that filter the water and capture waste, thus avoiding it from reaching the ocean. In addition, for every new salary paid directly into an imagin account, 1kg of plastic is collected from the sea. Through these initiatives, imagin has been able to collect more than 21 tonnes of waste.

This project is part of the set of sustainability-based products, services and initiatives that imagin, through imaginPlanet, develops in order to have a positive impact on the planet and on society as a whole. Through imaginPlanet, initiatives are launched in support of social and environmental causes, both internal and promoted by individuals or organisations supported by imagin.

‘MyCard imagin’, the perfect card for travel

The limited series of ‘MyCard imagin’ provides the same services as a card as the standard version. Particularly noteworthy is that this card combines in a single product the advantages of credit cards with the ease of use of debit cards.

The combination of credit and debit makes ‘MyCard imagin’ the perfect card for travel, since it can be used to book stays in national or international tourism establishments or rent cars. It can also be used to make purchases in stores around the world and to exchange currency for free by paying in foreign currency. Users can also make withdrawals on debit at any ATM in the world without imagin charging any fees (although some banks may charge a fee for using the ATM).

More than 4 million imaginers

imagin is a lifestyle platform promoted by CaixaBank that offers digital, financial and non-financial services that help its users, mainly young people under 30, with their daily lives and future projects. It currently has a community of 4.2 million users, a number that is constantly growing thanks to the wide range of content and services (most of them free to use), ease of registration and the creation of various levels of association that, unlike traditional banks, do not necessarily imply registering as a financial customer.  

In addition, the imagin application provides a range of financial products to cover the saving and financing needs of young people as they transition into adulthood and start to have their own income and their own lifestyle projects. In this regard, imagin is adhering to the characteristics that have turned it into the leading bank for young people: mobile only banking (the services are provided exclusively through the app, with no branches and no website, which solely fulfils an informative purpose), with no fees for the user and its own simple and clear language, especially suited to directly communicating with young people.

About CaixaBank Payments & Consumer

CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CaixaBank, is the company that specialises in consumer financing and payment methods. It is the leading card payment company in the Iberian market, with a total of 32.8 million units marketed and a 30.4% share in purchase invoicing. In Spain, it manages an outstanding credit of more than 9,000 million euros.

CaixaBank Payments & Consumer comprises more than 17 companies related to consumer spending and payments and is aimed at expediting and expanding CaixaBank's capabilities. These companies are wholly-owned subsidiaries or co-owned with strategic partners

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