The temperature's going up - Saving
Blondiemuser and Natalia de Santiago give us some tips so that saving money isn’t a struggle and we can meet our financial goals.
Find out more about budgeting: how to do it, what to bear in mind, what the so-called "hidden costs" are and lots more about this subject, from our expert.
Saving isn't simple, but knowing where to start can make achieving a positive balance easier.
A lot of little amounts add up. There is no amount too small; the key is time. Consistency is much more important than the amount.
Automate everything you can. We need to stop looking at savings as whatever is left in our account at the end of the month. A simple way of making sure we save money every month is by automating it with a periodic transfer.
The trick is to do this at the beginning of the month, even if it's a small amount. It’s easier this way, as we’ll be less likely to use that money for something else during the month.
Decide what you’re saving for, and give your savings a name. Knowing that you’re making an effort for something that’s important to you will make it more manageable.
Making an effort to renegotiate our rates on utilities and other expenses and paying attention to offers is worth it. The most important savings is the money we can save on our recurring expenses.
If you want to find out more about budgeting, saving, investment, home finance,
cybersecurity and lots of other financial culture topics: