CaixaBank is firmly committed to generating value and economic growth in the areas in which it operates. Through initiatives and programmes that promote training, employment and entrepreneurship, we contribute to the sustainable development of the communities in which we have a presence. From CaixaBank Dualiza we contribute to meeting these objectives by promoting Vocational Training and its dual education system, with the knowledge that this training mode is the key pathway to our future, by improving the employability of young people and the competitiveness of companies.
Promotion of Dual Vocational Training, dual training and continuous training as a driving force for employment and social improvement.
Development of projects for young people and other communities, fostering an entrepreneurial spirit.
Development of modern and effective systems for carrying out Dual Vocational Training.
We do this with programmes such as the Call for Dualiza Grants, designed to develop learning skills through practical training in a training centre and in the workplace. Many of these projects have a real impact in the areas where they are carried out by contributing to local wealth and helping to maintain the population.
In keeping with our commitment to promoting social welfare, we foster initiatives that encourage employment, entrepreneurship and social development.
Start-Up AwardsXXI
Promoted by the DayOne division, they support entrepreneurial activity by contributing to the development of young innovative companies with a high potential for growth. In 2023, these awards attracted 1,056 companies and 0.8 million euros were allocated to projects.
Access to financing
MicroBank is the Group's social bank, a benchmark in financial inclusion through the granting of microloans and other types of financing aimed at promoting productive activity, job creation and personal and family growth.
Support for vulnerable communities
Together with the Quiero Trabajo Foundation, with the “Succeed in your interview” initiative, we support women at risk of exclusion to enter the labor market, through mentoring, job guidance and skills training.
In 2023 it had 73 participants.
Special Employment Centres
CaixaBank promotes the use of Special Employment Centres (SEC) to encourage labour market inclusion and professional development for people with functional diversity.
In 2023, contracts were awarded to SECs to the value of 5 million euros.
"La Caixa" Foundation Incorpora
CaixaBank upholds the "la Caixa" Foundation Incorpora Programme, which supports the social and labour market integration of people at risk of social exclusion, thanks to the dedication of Incorpora technicians and collaborating companies.
In 2023, 178 companies have been contacted and referred to Incorpora.
Furthermore, with our mission to contribute to the financial wellbeing of our customers and to the development of society, CaixaBank has a direct impact on the creation of employment and its contribution to the Spanish GDP. In keeping with this commitment, we support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 1: End poverty, SDG 8: sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, and SDG 10: reducing inequality within and among countries.
Our impact in 2023
million euros in contribution to the Spanish GDP
jobs created with support for entrepreneurs through MicroBank
jobs created through the multiplier effect of purchases from suppliers in Spain