Key figures of the CaixaBank Group

With a different way of understanding banking, we offer a full range of products, innovative tools and advice to improve people's lives and contribute to the well-being of society.


million customers







*Does not include branches outside Spain and Portugal or representative offices.

Mision, vision, values

We have a differential business model, with a firm commitment to the well-being of our shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers and to that of society as a whole. Our leading shareholder, the
“la Caixa” Banking Foundation, inspires the bank's strategic stance as well as our values and corporate culture.

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Strategic Plan 2022-2024: “Close to our customers”

Under the Strategic Plan 2022-2024, the group will focus on strengthening its position in all segments, maintaining an efficient distribution model that is adapted to our customers and offers the best experience, and establishing itself as one of the leading banks in the sphere of sustainability. Achieving these goals is only possible with the best team, so CaixaBank also aims to be the preferred financial group to work for. In this way, we will continue to offer attractive returns and competitive remuneration to our shareholders.


  • 2. Operate an EFFICIENT CUSTOMER SERVICE MODEL adapted to customer preferences

  • 3. SUSTAINABILITY – a benchmark in Europe

Strategic Plan 2022-2024

logo Caixabank

Our brand

Our brand is our main asset and it allows us to differentiate ourselves, as it conveys our identity and our core essence: a very specific way of understanding banking and of showing our commitment to the world in which we live. It conveys a century-old legacy, which connects our history with our future; emotion with reason.

Leading the digitisation of banking

We assume innovation as a challenge and a differential feature of our culture. Our objective is to make the most of the opportunities that the digital revolution offers banking in order to offer a better service and improve our management capacity in all spheres of the organisation.

Our sponsorships

With a global and local perspective, we sponsor activities that promote commitment, collaboration and perseverance, a reflection of our own values.

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