25 July 2023   |   min read

On its seventh anniversary, CaixaBank Dualiza exceeds 30,000 vocational training students who have benefitted from its initiatives

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José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, CaixaBank’s Chairman

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, CaixaBank’s Chairman

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, CaixaBank’s Chairman

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, CaixaBank’s Chairman

  • The number of companies that have participated in training activities has reached 3,154 and the number of centres has risen to 1,888.
  • The bank’s Chairman, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, stated his satisfaction that “the prestige and acceptance of vocational training continues to improve in our country, thanks to its differentiating ability to bring training closer to the employment needs of companies, and to do so in a flexible, streamlined and efficient way”.
  • The director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Paula San Luis, reminded us that “fostering vocational training continues to be a crucial challenge for our society as, on the basis of the latest annual report on vocational training by CaixaBank Dualiza, between now and 2030 there will be two million opportunities for vocational training technicians and almost 100,000 of these could remain vacant owing to a lack of professionals with the right skills”.

Upwards of 30,000 vocational training students have benefited from the activities undertaken by CaixaBank Dualiza since the foundation launched its efforts to foster the promotion and prestige of vocational training seven years ago.

In total, 31,290 students have benefited from the programme since its launch in July 2016. The number of companies that have participated in training activities has reached 3,154 and the number of centres has risen to 1,888.

CaixaBank’s Chairman, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, stated his satisfaction that “the prestige and acceptance of vocational training continues to improve in our country, thanks to its differentiating ability to bring training closer to the employment needs of companies, and to do so in a flexible, streamlined and efficient way”. He added that “In a world as competitive and uncertain as today’s, having an official and highly attractive vocational training system is crucial to improving our competitiveness”.

He also highlighted the importance of “continuing to boost the CaixaBank Dualiza project, a groundbreaking initiative to support vocational training in Spain, and therefore continuing to improve people’s qualifications through vocational training, support a large part of the educational community, open the doors of vocational training to a growing number of companies and facilitate the coming together of the two realities in order for them to work more closely together”. 

This idea was backed by the director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Paula San Luis, who stated that “fostering vocational training continues to be a crucial challenge for our society as, on the basis of the latest annual report on vocational training by CaixaBank Dualiza, between now and 2030 there will be two million opportunities for vocational training technicians and almost 100,000 of these could remain vacant owing to a lack of professionals with the right skills”.

San Luis underlined the importance of continuing to act “based on the many partnerships established to try to reach even more people and which have led CaixaBank Dualiza to sign upwards of 200 agreements with public administrations, business organisations, foundations and other entities, serving as a platform for increasing these partnerships and extending our activities to more people every day”.

The goal of these initiatives is to boost training in society in order to enhance the employability of beneficiaries and advance social cohesion.

Notable among them is the Dualiza Call for Applications event, which held its 6th edition this year.

Since its creation, the call for applications has benefited more than 200 vocational training centre projects, which have been funded with close to 2,500,000 euros. All of them have been presented in conjunction with a company, which assumes a training role in the initiative, with a view to improving student learning.

Since the launch of the Dualiza Call for Applications, schools from all Spain’s autonomous communities have been represented, and many of the projects have been implemented after they have been completed.

In parallel, the initiative has also promoted specific training for teachers, designed in line with the needs expressed by the teachers themselves. As a result, learning courses have been given on distance assessment, project-based learning, classroom management and management team training.

Furthermore, some of the teachers have been trained to act as Dual Vocational Training prospectors, gaining knowledge of the economy and the companies located near their schools, and being able to build links with them in order to show them the advantages of implementing vocational training.

These same companies have been able to train several of their employees as company tutors, a crucial figure tasked with accompanying students in their learning process, and they have been able to access some specialisations in key sectors such as agriculture in particular, extra virgin olive oil, specialisation in pig farms and forestry.

Many of these initiatives have been undertaken using the data compiled in the various research projects conducted by the CaixaBank Dualiza Knowledge and Innovation Centre. The goal of the Centre is to provide solid data to facilitate decision-making through a thorough understanding of the vocational training system and the needs of the labour market.

It is precisely through the annual vocational training report that we have learned that our market will need around two million vocational training technicians between 2023 and 2030, and that the lack of professionals could leave one hundred thousand of these vacancies unfilled.

All this data is published in the Vocational Training Observatory, a cornerstone of the Centre’s activity, where all the figures for the Initial Vocational Training system, Dual Vocational Training and Vocational Training for employment are grouped together, sorted by Autonomous Community and by year, so users can make their own assessment of the evolution of vocational training in one area compared to another, or over time. 

CaixaBank Dualiza               

CaixaBank Dualiza represents the commitment of the CaixaBank Dual Training Foundation to fostering and disseminating vocational training, as well as the fundamental role that this type of training will play in the future of society. 

It is only through more training that we can achieve a more inclusive society with fewer inequalities. 

To achieve this, CaixaBank Dualiza provides support for the demands of teachers and educational centres and works with companies to train future professionals and enhance their employability. 

Since its inception, all its work has benefited over 30,000 students, 3,154 companies and 1,888 educational centres.

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