Press release

CaixaBank to facilitate no cost transfers to Morocco and Libya and donations to NGOs assisting people affected by the recent natural disasters

Earthquake in Morocco.

• CaixaBank has waived the fees for money transfers made by individuals to Morocco and Libya.

• A platform has been put in place to channel donations to the organisations carrying out humanitarian work on the ground. This platform is available on all of CaixaBank's channels (branches, website, mobile and ATMs) and the imagin app.


CaixaBank has activated measures to support the people affected by the earthquake in Morocco and the floods in Libya, aiming to facilitate the transfer of money by individuals and the donations to NGOs working on the ground.

With this in mind, the bank has waived the cost of transfers made by individuals to Morocco and Libya through CaixaBank's network following the natural disasters. This measure will remain in place while the humanitarian emergency persists, in order to facilitate the transfer of money by individuals to people, companies and entities that need it in these countries.

In addition, CaixaBank has put in place a platform to channel the financial donations, at no cost, to humanitarian organisations that are assisting people affected by these disasters.

Through this donation campaign, any individual, whether a CaixaBank customer or not, can send their contribution to the main humanitarian organisations working in the affected areas, at no cost or fee.

In the case of Morocco, donations can be made through the platform to Cáritas, Intermon Oxfam, Red Cross, Comité de Emergencia and the UNICEF Spanish Committee Foundation's emergency fund. In the case of Libya, the platform will be operational over the next few days and will include the main social organisations working in this emergency.

The initiative is open for other organisations that prove their humanitarian work in the territory.

It is a simple, flexible and fast system which allows for financial contributions to be made through indicating an intention of collaborating with Morocco and selecting the organisation to receive the funds, without requiring the destination account number and at no cost for the donors and social organisations.

The contributions can be made through the CaixaBank branch network, as well as via its online channels (ATMs, and mobile app) and the imagin app.

CaixaBank Volunteering joins the humanitarian aid

The extensive CaixaBank Volunteering network is also looking at solidarity and aid activities for the affected population, in coordination with the organisations specialising in humanitarian aid.

In the case of Morocco, CaixaBank is in permanent contact with the team of professionals working and residing in Morocco to detect and activate actions in the most affected territories. CaixaBank has had a banking licence in Morocco since 2009, where it has three branches (in Casablanca, Tangier and Agadir). These branches provide foreign trade, business banking and corporate banking services to Spanish companies already established in the country or looking to enter the Moroccan market, as well as to large Moroccan businesses and multinationals. 

About CaixaBank's Social Action

CaixaBank has a far-reaching social vocation. The bank is a benchmark in sustainable banking and believes in serving its customers and wider society.

In its response to the challenges facing society, , CaixaBank fosters social action initiatives and voluntary work, among other measures, and offers services and solutions for every demographic through its financial activity.  

The strategy for Social Action is aimed at promoting joint projects with the "la Caixa" Foundation, as well as other partnerships directly promoted by CaixaBank. Thanks to its the CaixaBank branch network, which is the largest in Spain with more than 3,900 retail branches and presence in 2,200 municipalities, CaixaBank can support the "la Caixa" Foundation in detecting the needs of local social organisations.

CaixaBank’s sustainable activities have been recognised by leading international bodies. The Dow Jones Sustainability Index ranks it among the best banks in the world in terms of sustainability. Similarly, the international organisation CDP considers CaixaBank as the leading bank in the struggle against climate change.