15 May 2024   |   min read

CaixaBank welcomes 75 members from international banks at the WSBI Banking Innovation Conference

CaixaBank’s Chairman, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, during the opening session of the conference organized with the WSBI

CaixaBank’s Chairman, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, during the opening session of the conference organized with the WSBI

CaixaBank’s Chairman, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, during the opening session of the conference organized with the WSBI

CaixaBank’s Chairman, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, during the opening session of the conference organized with the WSBI

  • CaixaBank’s chairman, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, highlighted that “our way of understanding business is through a highly differential approach to banking —one that is inclusive and very close to the real economy”
  • The managing director of the WSBI, Peter Simon, noted that “in today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, innovation is not just a buzzword; it is a necessity”
  • Retail banking, innovation, the use of new technologies, sustainability or the latest updates in cybersecurity are some of the themes that will be covered during the panels

CaixaBank and the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), began this Wednesday a series of presentations and working sessions as part of the WSBI Banking Innovation Conference, in which 75 members of international banks traveled to Barcelona to immerse themselves in the bank's working model.

Over the course of two days, CaixaBank’s managers and team leaders will share with their international counterparts the entity's strategies in key areas such as innovation, new technologies, cybersecurity, and sustainability.

CaixaBank’s chairman, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, opened the banking innovation conference held at the bank's headquarters in Barcelona on May 15 and 16. In his welcome speech, Goirigolzarri highlighted the excitement of hosting the third edition of these international WSBI visits, as well as the challenge of sharing with colleagues in the sector the unique vision of CaixaBank's business.

“Our way of understanding business is through a highly differential approach to banking—one that is inclusive and very close to the real economy”, Goirigolzarri stated. “A way of doing banking that, I am sure, all of you, as well all members of WSBI not only share but is an intrinsic part of your principles and values […] given that the WSBI is an example of joining forces towards strengthening the role of retail and savings banks in financing individuals, families, SME’s and the real economy”, he added.

The managing director of the WSBI, Peter Simon, has also highlighted how collaboration in the banking sector allows everyone to “collectively advance and thrive together”. In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, innovation is not just a buzzword; it is a necessity”, Simon noted.

“Retail banking and SME empowerment lie at the heart of economic growth and prosperity. By embracing innovation in these areas, financial institutions can better serve their customers, drive economic development, and foster inclusive growth”, he stressed.

An open day to foster relationships in the industry

The WSBI, chaired by Isidro Fainé, chairman of “la Caixa” Foundation is an international entity founded in 1924 with the aim of uniting and representing retail and saving banks from all over the globe.

As the institution puts it, its goals are to achieve global financial access and, in pursuit of this objective, the WSBI always encourages “the exchange of experiences and good practices among its members”.

Following this idea and as a key member of the WSBI, CaixaBank has hosted this conference to share the experience of its professionals.

An experience backed by the institution’s years of history, but also by its social vocation, given that “CaixaBank is committed to a differential banking model, where social and financial inclusion are at the center of the strategy", as Goirigolzarri pointed out.

Besides the presentations scheduled on Wednesday and Thursday, WSBI members attending the conference will visit some of CaixaBank’s store offices in Barcelona and the Innovation Hub.

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