25 March 2024   |   min read

CaixaBank advances in its positioning as a benchmark in health, and promotes 74 impactful initiatives for the wellbeing of its workforce

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CaixaBank advances in its positioning as a benchmark in health, and promotes 74 impactful initiatives for the wellbeing of its workforce.

CaixaBank advances in its positioning as a benchmark in health, and promotes 74 impactful initiatives for the wellbeing of its workforce.

CaixaBank advances in its positioning as a benchmark in health, and promotes 74 impactful initiatives for the wellbeing of its workforce.

CaixaBank advances in its positioning as a benchmark in health, and promotes 74 impactful initiatives for the wellbeing of its workforce.

  • Through the 'We Are Healthy' programme, the bank offers its workforce a wide range of services, resources, and benefits to improve their quality of life and health.
  • This programme is part of CaixaBank's Healthy Organisation Management System, recently certified by AENOR, and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001), certified by Audelco.
  • The Healthy Organisation Action Plan deployed in 2023 consists of 74 initiatives aimed at optimising psychosocial factors, promoting health and safety, improving the environment, promoting healthy eating, and physical activity.


As a result of its commitment to a culture of health and wellbeing, CaixaBank has implemented a Healthy Organisation, Occupational Health and Safety policy. Throughout 2023, it has made progress in positioning itself as a benchmark in this area. During the year, 74 initiatives were implemented that had an impact on the workforce's wellbeing, representing an increase of 64% compared to the previous year. These actions are part of the We Are Healthy Programme and are aimed both at optimising psychosocial factors and promoting health and safety, the environment, healthy eating, and physical activity.

The initiatives carried out in 2023 were mainly aimed at improving the quality of life of the bank's employees, although groups such as family members, customers, and suppliers, as well as society as a whole, benefited from the actions and programmes implemented by CaixaBank.

The chapter with the highest number of activities that positively impacted the workforce relates to the optimisation of psychosocial factors, with 54 initiatives implemented compared to 33 the previous year; followed by those linked to promoting health (35), physical activity (35), surroundings - adapting workspaces (30), and nutrition (27).

Activities for the workforce

On emotional wellbeing, activities promoted include face-to-face workshops on emotional management, webinars on emotional well-being given by leading personalities, measures for better work-life balance, disability awareness-raising activities, volunteering programmes and well-being programmes for managers, among others. 

When promoting health, campaigns ranged from flu vaccination campaigns and monitoring of vascular risk factors to group therapeutic intervention programmes for women's health and well-being, as well as the activation of a psychological helpline, among many other initiatives.

On physical activity, the most noteworthy actions included contracting Gympass to give the entire workforce access to sports centres and gyms, sponsorships to promote the CaixaBank Runners Club and holding CaixaBank Plaza 3x3 in ten cities, the largest outdoor amateur basketball circuit in Spain , among others.

In respect to the environment, CaixaBank has defined lines of action to reduce its carbon footprint and has promoted various awareness-raising actions.

On food, CaixaBank has asked for healthy menus to be offered in their building’s canteens and has made a number of videos, advice, recipes and action plans to promote a healthy diet available to employees, among other initiatives.

Looking at occupational health and safety, a general improvement in the conditions of the working environment and facilities has been promoted and actions have been carried out to adapt the workplaces to people with special sensitivities.

With the aim of always being close to its workforce and to bring the various actions closer to CaixaBank's extensive branch network, the bank has created a network of Health and Wellness Ambassadors in all regional offices, which has made it possible to publicise, design and implement activities of the We Are Healthy programme according to the idiosyncrasies of each area.

In short, this cross-cutting and integrated Healthy Organisation project is based on CaixaBank's culture and values and focuses on the wellbeing of its teams. The programme puts people at the centre and provides options for the entire workforce, regardless of their location.

Distinctions and certifications

CaixaBank's commitment to the wellbeing of its employees has been recently recognised through various certifications and awards.

AENOR and Audelco have audited and certified the Healthy Organisation Management System (SIGOS) and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001). To achieve these awards, the bank has passed the corresponding internal and external audits, which have objectively verified compliance with the requirements of each benchmark.

Thanks to this commitment, CaixaBank has also been recognised at Intrama's Diversity and Wellbeing Awards 2023, which are benchmark awards in the field of diversity, inclusion, and corporate wellbeing, with the first prize in the nutritional wellbeing category.

CaixaBank has also been selected as one of the 30 best companies in Spain for its implementation of health and wellbeing in the organisation and has received the Top Wellbeing Company 2023 Certification. In addition, CaixaBank was one of the companies recognised in the Large Company category at the 8th edition of the Mutua Universal Innovation and Health Awards.

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